Nomination committee
Gentoo Media has a nomination committee that is responsible for reviewing the size, structure and composition of the Board of Directors, succession planning, the appointment of replacement and/or additional directors and for making the appropriate recommendations to the Board of Directors.
The Nomination Committee consist of three members representing the Company’s largest shareholders as per 31 August 2024. The members shall represent all shareholders. The nomination committee consists of the following members:
• Lukasz Wojciak, representing MJ Foundation
• Lukasz Borkowski, representing ZJ Foundation
• André Lavold, representing Optimus Invest Limited
The nomination committee shall make proposals on the following agenda points at the annual meeting of shareholders:
(i) A proposal on the chairman of the meeting
(ii) A proposal on the composition of the board of directors
(iii) A proposal on the chairman of the board
(iv) A proposal on fees for the board directors and for the chairman of the board
(v) A proposal on remuneration for work in board committees
(vi) A proposal on auditors
(Vii) A proposal on fees for the company’s auditors
(Viii) A proposal on the composition of the nomination committee
Shareholders can reach the nomination committee by email: