Gaming Innovation Group completes SEK 100 million directed share issue

Article Img 04 June, 2024

Gaming Innovation Group Inc. (“GiG” or the “Company”) today announces that the Company successfully has completed a directed share issue of approximately SEK 100 million from several well-renowned, long-term institutional investors (the “Share Issue”). Participants in the Share Issue also includes Jonas Warrer (CEO of GiG Media) and Richard Carter (CEO of GiG’s Platform & Sportsbook). The Company sees the Share Issue as an opportunity to broaden the shareholder base with high-quality investors, increase alignment among key executives and shareholders, as well as obtaining additional capital.

The Board of Directors of GiG has today resolved on an issue of 3,226,418 shares directed to certain new investors and existing shareholders. Participants in the Share Issue were i.e. Jonas Warrer (CEO of GiG Media), Richard Carter (CEO of GiG’s Platform & Sportsbook), Agerskov Kapital (investment vehicle for the founder of Traffic Lab), Knutsson Holding, Prioritet Finans, the Juroszek family and certain other well-renowned, long-term institutional investors investors.

The Share Issue is based on the general authorization to the Board of Directors under the 150,000,000 authorized shares, approved by the Special Meeting of Shareholders on 20 January 2022. The rationale for the Share Issue is to (i) broaden the shareholder base with new well-renowned investors (ii) increase alignment among key executives and shareholders, and (iii) obtain additional funding to secure working capital for the Platform & Sportsbook business prior to the planned split of the Company as well as general corporate purposes in a time- and cost-efficient manner.

The Company will receive approximately SEK 100 million (EUR 8.8 million) in gross proceeds from the Share Issue, before deduction of transaction costs. The subscription price has been set to SEK 31 per share as a result of negotiations on an arm’s length, which corresponds to a 1.3 percent discount compared to the closing price of the Company's share on Nasdaq Stockholm today and equal to the average volume-weighted price of the Company's share on the Nasdaq Stockholm over the past 10 trading days. GiG’s Board of Directors’ assessment is that the Share Issue was carried out on market terms.

“We have seen a lot of interest to increase the shareholding in GiG from existing investors and key executives, but also from new external parties. We are of course delighted that so many well-renowned investors share our view of growth opportunities going forward, and we are now better equipped to accelerate our growth both organically and through strategic acquisitions. Also, I am very pleased to see that our key executives are further aligning their interest with the shareholders’ by doing considerable investments themselves,” says the Chairman, Mikael Riese Harstad.

After the registration of the Share Issue, the total number of shares in the Company will amount to 134,406,520 shares. The Company’s share capital will increase with USD 3,226,418 to USD 134,406,520. The Share Issue will result in a dilution of approximately 2.4 percent of the number of shares in GiG.

ABG Sundal Collier acted as sole financial advisor and bookrunner in connection with the Share Issue. White & Case acted as legal counsel.

For further information, please contact:
Tore Formo, Group CFO,

This information is information that Gaming Innovation Group Inc. (GiG) is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 21:30 CET on 4 June 2024.

About Gaming Innovation Group (GiG)
Gaming Innovation Group is a leading iGaming technology company, providing solutions, products and services to iGaming Operators. Founded in 2012, Gaming Innovation Group’s vision is ‘To be the industry leading platform, sportsbook and media provider delivering world class solutions to our iGaming partners and their customers.  GiG’s mission is to drive sustainable growth and profitability of our partners through product innovation, scalable technology and quality of service. Gaming Innovation Group operates out of Malta and is dual-listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol GIG and on Nasdaq Stockholm under the ticker symbol GIGSEK.